Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I finally decided that I will never get back to my pre-kids size ever again and if I do my clothes will be crazy out of style, so I went crazy purging out all my too small, too skanky, too 'what was I thinking', too 'not even cool on a 19 year old' clothes. I mean even if I do loose some more weight, who wants to see a grown ass women in her thirties trying to still look like she is 20? I know I do not want to see myself looking like that and I hope those of you who know people who try to pull that off are a good enough friend to tell them to go change their clothes. Let's all have a little dignity no matter our age or size. My clothes that do not fit are so old that I found a pair of RED, yes RED, as in fire engine RED, Gap jeans. I wonder how long it has been since they made those?